The Original Human-on-a-Chip Company

Pioneers for Reducing Animal Testing through Emulating Biology

the leading light for human-on-a-chip Research

Hesperos is named for Venus in the evening sky. Like her, we are a leading light, providing world-class research in disease modeling and drug testing through our use of human-on-a-chip systems. Our patent positions and the over 20 years of expertise of both Drs. Shuler and Hickman make us the company to work with for your most difficult problems as well as for cost competitive, routine, human-on-a-chip assays.

The hesperos difference

Hesperos, Inc. brings together biologists, surface chemists, and engineers in order to produce some of the worlds most advanced organs-on-chips. From gene expression to electrophysiology, our biologists recreate key components of various organs. Chemically patterned microchips are engineered to enable real-time monitoring of organ activity. Finally, our engineers utilize sophisticated measurement techniques in order to detect and quantify minute changes.  The result of this collaboration is an ability to study therapeutics in a way which was previously only possible in clinical trials.

As Featured In

Industries We Serve

Rare Disease


Chemicals, Nutraceuticals, and Supplements

Latest News

NIH Awards Hesperos Research Grant to Develop Animal-Free Botox Testing Platform

By Hesperos | May 7, 2024

The NIH has awarded Hesperos Inc. a $2 million dollar research grant to develop an advanced, animal free platform to test the potency of Botulinum Toxin (BoT).

Hesperos Presentation at NIH Rare Disease Day: 2/29/2024

By Hesperos | March 4, 2024

Hesperos Chief Scientist Dr. J Hickman was a featured speaker at Rare Disease Day at NIH discussing how Human-on-a-Chip systems are actively supporting therapeutic development for Rare Diseases. Watch his presentation here.

Functional Overdose Model – New Study Published in Advanced Biology

By Hesperos | September 7, 2023

Development of an Overdose Model Press Release Link to Publication This research provides an accurate way to model overdose in the lab, using human brain cells programmed to respond to many different opioids. Amid an … Read More

New Publication in Nature Scientific Reports: Malaria-on-a-Chip

By Hesperos | July 5, 2023

Development of a Malaria-on-a-Chip Model Model developed to study Malaria and potential therapeutics Press Release Link to Publication Hesperos scientists have published a groundbreaking study in Scientific Reports, a Nature journal. The publication, titled “Development … Read More

Hesperos Chief Scientist quoted in Nature Medicine Feature on State of the Field

By Hesperos | June 14, 2023

Hesperos Chief Scientist quoted in the Nature Medicine article discussing the state of the field, including rapid advancement with the adoption of the FDA Modernization Act 2.0.

FDA Modernization Act 2.0 – Animal testing mandate eliminated

By Hesperos | January 17, 2023

The FDA Modernization Act 2.0 was signed into law eliminating the animal testing mandate in drug discovery.

Chief Scientist named Researcher of the Year by Bioflorida

By Hesperos | November 8, 2022

Hesperos Chief Scientist, Dr. James Hickman, awarded Researcher of the Year at the 2022 BioFlorida conference in Miami

Unique human neuromuscular junction assay establishes skeletal muscle as a key player in ALS

By Hesperos | October 18, 2022

In a recent study published in Biomaterials, a team of researchers led by Hesperos Chief Scientist Dr. J. Hickman established a significant finding to better understand ALS etiology and potential new treatment targets.

FDA Modernization Act – An Open Letter to Congress

By Hesperos | September 7, 2022

Read the Open Letter here We are proud to support this open letter to congress encouraging representatives to pass the FDA Modernization Act.  Originally passed in 1938, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (FFDCA) was … Read More

Financial Times publishes feature on the state of microphysiological systems, highlighting Hesperos

By Hesperos | August 15, 2022

Financial Times wrote an excellent feature on microphysiological systems, highlighting Hesperos’ Human-on-a-Chip.

About Our Team

Hesperos, Inc, is a leader in efforts to characterize an individual’s biology with human-on-a-chip microfluidic systems. Founders Michael L. Shuler and James J. Hickman have been at the forefront of every major scientific discovery in this realm, from individual organ-on-a-chip constructs to fully functional, interconnected multi-organ systems which they coined "human-on-a-chip."

Simulating Organ Function

Unlike other tests that extrapolate organ function based on biomarker activity and protein analysis, our models are working systems that recreate muscle and tissue function as well as neural and inter-organ communication. The resulting functional reports closely correlate to what clinicians observe in human clinical trials.

Data Driven Analysis

Our systems generate thousands of data points which correlate to key functional aspects of each organ.  Our custom analyses are then able to parse the data quickly and fruitfully to identify subtle changes in function alongside large-scale shifts in morphology and behavior, yielding insights into each drug.

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