
Select Scientific Articles by the Hesperos Team

Featured Publications

Modelling the innate immune system in microphysiological systems

Lab on a Chip - July 2024

Michael J. Rupar, Hannah Hanson, Stephanie Rogers, Brianna Botlick, Steven Trimmer, J. Hickman

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Functional skeletal muscle model derived from SOD1-mutant ALS patient iPSCs recapitulates hallmarks of disease progression

Nature Scientific Reports - September 2020

Agnes Badu-Mensah, Xiufang Guo, Christopher McAleer, John W. Rumsey & James J. Hickman

Link to Study

Classical Complement Pathway Inhibition in a ‘Human-on-a-Chip’ Model of Autoimmune Demyelinating Neuropathies

Advanced Therapeutics - April 2022

Rumsey, Lorance, Jackson, Sasserath, McAleer, Long, Goswami, Russo, Raja, Gable,Emmett, Hobson-Webb, Chopra, Howard Jr., Guptill, Storek, Alonso, Atassi, Panicker, Parry,Hammond, Hickman

Link to Study NIH Featured Article on Findings | Press Release

Enabled first FDA authorized human clinical trial using efficacy data exclusively from a microphysiological system (NCT04658472)

Differential Monocyte Actuation in a Three-Organ Functional Innate Immune System on a Chip

Advanced Science - June 2020 
In collaboration with Roche Pharmaceuticals

Trevor Sasserath, John Rumsey, Christopher McAleer, Lee Richard Bridges, Christopher Long, Daniel Elbrecht, Franz Schuler, Adrian Roth, Christina Bertinetti-LaPatki, Michael Shuler, James Hickman

Press Release & Link to Study

A Human-Based Functional NMJ System for Personalized ALS Modeling and Drug Testing

Advanced Therapeutics - August 2020

Xiufang Guo, Virginia Smith, Max Jackson, My Tran, Michael Thomas, Aakash Patel, Eric Lorusso, Siddarth Nimbalkar, Yunqing Cai, Christopher McAleer, Ying Wang, Christopher Long, James Hickman

Press Release & Link to study

On the Potential of In Vitro Organ-Chip Models to Define Temporal Phamacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Relationships

Nature Scientific Reports - July 2019

In collaboration with AstraZeneca

Christopher McAleer, Amy Pointon, Christopher Long, Rocky Brighton, Benjamin Wilkin, Lee Richard Bridges, Narasimhan Sriram, Kristin Fabre, Robin McDougall, Victorine Muse, Jerome Mettetal, Abhishek Srivastava, Dominic Williams, Mark Schnepper, Jeff Roles, Michael Shuler, James Hickman

 Link to study

Multi-Organ System for the Evaluation of Efficacy and Off-Target Toxicity of Anticancer Therapeutics

Science Translational Medicine - June 2019 

In collaboration with Roche Pharmaceuticals

Christopher McAleer, Christopher Long, Daniel Elbrecht, Trevor Sasserath, Lee Richard Bridges, John Rumsey, Candace Martin, Mark Schnepper, Ying Wang, Franz Schuler, Adrian Roth, Christoph Funk, Michael Shuler, James Hickman

Press Release & Link to study

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